Thursday, November 19, 2009

Most of my hobbying lately has been cooking with Luke. We've been going to one dinner party/potluck after another (can you call it a dinner 'party' when there are just four of us?) and trying to cook good meals for just the two of us.

Luke and I also inoculated a log with mycelium- I found a good log on the side of the road and brought it home to drill with holes and fill with spawn (live fungus mixed with sawdust and grains, grown on a small wooden dowel), in hopes that we can grow some oyster mushrooms. Hopefully, we'll have something like this by the end of next summer:
We did it a little too late in the season, but we have a lot of spawn left so whether it works or not we can do some again next spring, summer and fall.

And lastly, lookit!

Luke's brother and his wife are having a baby in a couple weeks. I don't know any babies, so this little girl (London) is going to get a bunch of presents from me because I want to make teeny tiny things. These little booties will probably only fit the kid for a couple weeks to a month (and if they have a big baby, they might not fit at all), but I'm really happy with them. Now I just need to buy a two little buttons for the ankle straps, and they'll be done!

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